Thursday, July 8, 2010

Voting in a Sea of Overtures

Committee work has ended. All of the Commissioners, Advisors and Observers gathered again in the big hall for full General Assembly deliberations and voting. Security is in force (there are protesters about various issues at the building entrances).  Commissioners are corralled  off at their assigned seats and  electronic voting handsets are closely guarded. Patience and forbearance are the bywords as overtures come before the body for discussion, maybe amendment and voting for adoption. The Moderator and Vice Moderator did a good job at keeping the business moving, fairly balancing the pro/con mic times and guiding the voting.  We warmed up on non-controversial housekeeping overtures and progressed to the more controversial changes in the Form of Government.  Tomarrow will be a full day and the most controversial issues will be up for consideration, including the Middle East report and the vocations and ordination recommendations (my committee.)

In between, we had an amazing Ecumenical Worship Service this morning. (Note to share with Chancel Choir what tunes the Minnesota Boys Choir sang that we know.) Our Presbytery reps had supper with the reps from Cayuga-Syracuse Presbytery. Janet and I attended a meeting with the Committee on Congregational Song (new hymnal).  I sat next to Bill Carter at the publishing company breakfast. The last hours of the Vendors Hall were fun.
Witherspoon Society Dance Party Calvin.

An Ecumenical Representative speaks with GA. We see the big screens that are also streamed live on the PCUSA GA 19 website.
Stated Clerk with his new tat...  Sealed and marked for the job.

Artwork created during the opening worship.


  1. I hope you enjoyed the Witherspoon Party/Dance. Didn't you love Calvin wearing a boa? I am glad someone got a picture of it.

  2. Truly enjoyed the dance. It was perfectly timed. Good folks and I was able to report back to a previous commissioner that I participated. Who says Presbys don't have fun?
