Friday, July 9, 2010

Paddling Furiously

A very full day of deliberations, debate and voting.  Started with morning worship in which a terrific lineup of missionaries and young adult volunteers were commissioned. Very cool.  Then, into the big hall for a day of "fun" business and grueling debate with motions, amendments, substitute motions, perfecting the main motion, perfecting the substitute motion, speaking to motion, calling the question and voting.
The Moderator and crew warmed us up slowly with "low emotional impact" issues and tested the voting technology. Everyone was pretty tired and slow to get hit their stride. At one point the electronic voting system "went down."  YAADS (Young Adult Advisory Delegates) were invited by the Moderator to lead us in a wake up/distractionary "energizer."  It worked and the electronics were revived, too.
                                                   Commissioning of Missionaries and Mission Volunteers.

A number of high stakes issues were deliberated. A lot of standing in line to speak on the floor and overcoming bright lights and mic echo.  There was a good bit of obvious strategizing- but fortunately breaks of hymn singing and prayer broke up the momentum for such politicking and refocused our purpose

                   An Elder Commissioner speaks out on a motion. (Our rainbow stoles look pretty good, too.)

Commissioners were greeted by a quiet message from supporters for the Marriage Study as we entered for the evening's business. (Fox News and others were on deck to see what we'd come up with...)
The morning and afternoon sessions began with a "Speak Out" - kind of like the Sunday morning sharing of joys and concerns, only on the GA level.  Looks like the Vice Moderator is about to be consumed, however.
            The Moderator and Clerk consider an action - and yes, that is a bobble head  John Calvin at the Clerk's right hand.

And, good news friends, many of the overtures that we were concerned about DID pass by evening's end. (Ask me or Janet Hoover about the "funny story" related to this.)   But - more to come tomorrow, stay tuned.

(and, Jay W. - thanks for that little "note" of encouragement!)

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