Sunday, July 18, 2010

Back in Home Port

Home again, home again - and giving a report back to the congregation this morning.  Lots of "processing" this week. Thinking of the work for our Presbytery this year.  Grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the big thing.
And, now, with a nod to Phyllis Tickle and others:   Presby-migrant

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Loading the Boats

Friday was a marathon day of plenary business. Many reports, many votes. Deliberations over issues of who is controlling what. Mission and peace/justice programs were generally funded and approved with alacrity- these are still the core of what we are about. And, oh yeah- the demonstration by Soulforce that brought its own cameras and "reporters" from the local TV channels. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that their action was the best move to forward their cause.  Most commissioners, including me, were just plain annoyed and it was the first time in the whole week that forbearance was almost overridden. We just didn't need that right then. Follow up on the local media confirmed my disgust with the prevailing entertainment news programs- inaccuracy, create controversy when there is none or increase the tensions if there are some, pull us into non-thinking, reactive tribal behavior.  After working hard in committee and on the assembly floor all week, my first reaction was "Don't mess up what's been accomplished. You're not doing anyone any favors."
This is part of the diversity, too.  There are extremes at all ends of a spectrum that is more web-like than linear.

Last items of business this morning, some worship and departure. The boats are packed, the paddles are at the ready. The rivers will be full.

See you back in NY.  I'll post more photos on airport layovers if they give us free wi-fi.

Thanks for the text messages and FB posts this week.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Paddling Furiously

A very full day of deliberations, debate and voting.  Started with morning worship in which a terrific lineup of missionaries and young adult volunteers were commissioned. Very cool.  Then, into the big hall for a day of "fun" business and grueling debate with motions, amendments, substitute motions, perfecting the main motion, perfecting the substitute motion, speaking to motion, calling the question and voting.
The Moderator and crew warmed us up slowly with "low emotional impact" issues and tested the voting technology. Everyone was pretty tired and slow to get hit their stride. At one point the electronic voting system "went down."  YAADS (Young Adult Advisory Delegates) were invited by the Moderator to lead us in a wake up/distractionary "energizer."  It worked and the electronics were revived, too.
                                                   Commissioning of Missionaries and Mission Volunteers.

A number of high stakes issues were deliberated. A lot of standing in line to speak on the floor and overcoming bright lights and mic echo.  There was a good bit of obvious strategizing- but fortunately breaks of hymn singing and prayer broke up the momentum for such politicking and refocused our purpose

                   An Elder Commissioner speaks out on a motion. (Our rainbow stoles look pretty good, too.)

Commissioners were greeted by a quiet message from supporters for the Marriage Study as we entered for the evening's business. (Fox News and others were on deck to see what we'd come up with...)
The morning and afternoon sessions began with a "Speak Out" - kind of like the Sunday morning sharing of joys and concerns, only on the GA level.  Looks like the Vice Moderator is about to be consumed, however.
            The Moderator and Clerk consider an action - and yes, that is a bobble head  John Calvin at the Clerk's right hand.

And, good news friends, many of the overtures that we were concerned about DID pass by evening's end. (Ask me or Janet Hoover about the "funny story" related to this.)   But - more to come tomorrow, stay tuned.

(and, Jay W. - thanks for that little "note" of encouragement!)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Voting in a Sea of Overtures

Committee work has ended. All of the Commissioners, Advisors and Observers gathered again in the big hall for full General Assembly deliberations and voting. Security is in force (there are protesters about various issues at the building entrances).  Commissioners are corralled  off at their assigned seats and  electronic voting handsets are closely guarded. Patience and forbearance are the bywords as overtures come before the body for discussion, maybe amendment and voting for adoption. The Moderator and Vice Moderator did a good job at keeping the business moving, fairly balancing the pro/con mic times and guiding the voting.  We warmed up on non-controversial housekeeping overtures and progressed to the more controversial changes in the Form of Government.  Tomarrow will be a full day and the most controversial issues will be up for consideration, including the Middle East report and the vocations and ordination recommendations (my committee.)

In between, we had an amazing Ecumenical Worship Service this morning. (Note to share with Chancel Choir what tunes the Minnesota Boys Choir sang that we know.) Our Presbytery reps had supper with the reps from Cayuga-Syracuse Presbytery. Janet and I attended a meeting with the Committee on Congregational Song (new hymnal).  I sat next to Bill Carter at the publishing company breakfast. The last hours of the Vendors Hall were fun.
Witherspoon Society Dance Party Calvin.

An Ecumenical Representative speaks with GA. We see the big screens that are also streamed live on the PCUSA GA 19 website.
Stated Clerk with his new tat...  Sealed and marked for the job.

Artwork created during the opening worship.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Boat Crossed the First Lake

The mantra for our table in the Orders and Vocations Committee was "Get in the boat. Go across the lake. There will be a storm. You will not die."   Thanks to GA Stated Clerk, Grady Parsons, for that.

I can report that it took two grueling days, but all of the above took place.  Now, the recommendations go to the full Assembly over the next three days for more deliberation and action.  Tonight- exhausted friskiness will prevail. 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Opening Worship and Commitee Launch

Heard Phylis Tickle over breakfast this morning. Just as awesome in person as in print. Wonderful sense of humor reminiscent of my "Southron" mentors.  Worship - 2 plus hours of true inspiration. Native American presence, water, dance, art, parade puppets, live musicians of many types, the first baptism during GA, communion for a few thousand and a lot more. 

Our committee work began this afternoon with orientation, getting to know each other and learning how Roberts Rules works in this setting.  Odd having press and observers sit behind you in the other half of the room. 

Bill Carter Surfing GA

Friend Bill Carter of Presbybop is serving as an enthusiastic Clergy Commissioner at GA.

We Have a Moderator

After many ballots and fussing with electronics, a new moderator and vice moderator were elected after 10 pm this eve. Cindy Bolbach of Capital Presbytery will lead us through the rest of the week and the next two years.
"John Calvin" was present for the installation.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Learning to Paddle

So, our first Business Session, after initial worship and commissioning,  was learning about how the GA business will work, hearing from GA Mission Council, and figuring out how to vote and address the Moderator.  Cool. Loved the "interactive" part.  We all found our seats and got our computers wired up. Now we can paddle the waters of GA.
Stated Clerk Harry bought us all free trade choc bars. Yum.

Liz votes with her assigned wireless unit.  No, it won't change the channel...

Opening the Faucet with Worship on Sunday

Very much looking forward to the big opening worship service on Sunday morning.

Going with the Flow

Got here. Registered. Flowed to Covenant Network supper and Commissioner Orientation Fri night. (Had first feeling of "deer in the headlights." ( What?  A committee of fifty to review overtures on ordination and orders - G6??? !!)  Heard a little good music at Westminster Church (big!). Got up early. Flowed to Pres Voices for Justice Orientation breakfast. Flowed to Riverside Conversations with synopsis presentations by the teams who prepared the Marriage report and the Middle East report. Spirited conversations in each. Flowed to burrito lunch in exhibit hall (cool stuff- cool beans, too).

And, now - to the first full business meeting to find our assigned seats.  Here are some images - before folks arrive....

Will post an image of Liz, Janet and I  when we get settled in.  Haven't seen Harry yet, but we'll wave to him in the bleachers in the back of the big room.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Earth on Water

A respite time visiting with a former Cooperstown Pres buddy in Minneapolis. The morning run took me over the Mississippi in time to watch two barges of sand being pushed by a tug.  Earth on Water.
Enjoying some slow time before landing in GA world.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

From Water to Land to Air

Aaand, they're out of the gate!!!  Or, at least sitting near the gate at the airport. Sunny. Appreciated by helpful agents who are grateful for "an experienced traveler" with their tickets and id out. There was a 5 AM rush of vacationing families that needed a lot of shepherding.  Well, I might need a lot of shepherding myself soon as a newby GA pilgrim.
Wonder how much last minute work I can get done during airport waiting?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Otsego Lake and Susquehanna River

The Susquehanna begins here at James Fenimore Cooper's "Glimmerglass."  It winds through New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland- emptying as a broad, full river into the Chesapeake Bay at Havre de Grace.

Water to Travel

From the beginning of the Susquehanna River to Minneapolis.

Otsego Lake

Otsego Lake in Cooperstown is the source of the Susquehanna River. Waters from the Lake will be carried to the Minneapolis PCUSA font.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Packing the Backpack for PCUSA General Assembly

Heading out to Minneapolis for the big Pres Church USA 219th General Assembly as an Elder Commissioner for the Presbytery of Utica. What does that mean? Voting member. Read lots of stuff on line and in the mail before I go. Get my computer gear ready. Get my head clear and my ears open. Fill a small vessel with water from Otsego Lake- the Glimmerglass- the source of the Susquehanna River- to take to fill the font of the spiritual waters from all over the country. Listen, pray, discern, voice, vote.

Rivers of Living Water is the GA theme and the life source for all of that discernment, active listening and embracing the many people of God.

Why "Leaning Downsteams?" In whitewater canoeing and kayaking, the way to shoot the rapids is to lean downstream. Counter intuitive? Sometimes it is. My mantra for the week will be to lean downstream into God's streams of many living waters of light, love, justice and peace.

My fellow travelers from the Presbytery of Utica are Youth Advisory Delegate, Liz Williams; Clergy Commissioner, Rev. Janet Hoover; and Stated Clerk, Harry Young.

Will I/we be successful? Stay tuned.